Category: Vogue News

Health infrastructure, one more reason to live in Mallorca.

It’s known by all that in recent years has generated growing interest of citizens from central and northern Europe to

Cruise tourism, gateway to Mallorca

Recent studies by the Balearic Islands Port Authority have revealed that cruise tourism generated annually in Balears estimated revenues of

Enjoying the Autumn sunshine in Mallorca

Undoubtedly and against the idea of Mallorca as a holiday destination of sun and beach, we can say that Mallorca

EMIFF new edition, Mallorca 2015

  EMIFF is the most competitive film festival in the Mediterranean celebrated in Mallorca, since its firt edition in 2012

Winter Solstice at the Cathedral of Palma, great event in the Old Town of the city.

The known as the Cathedral of Palma Solstice is a magical phenomenon that happens every year in two symbolic dates:

Santanyí, cosmopolitan and cultural!

Music, conferences and principally theater are quoted in Santanyí by the hand of s’Illo Can Timoner Cultural Association, which is

What’s new in Palma?

Palma de Mallorca is one of the the trendiest cities in the world, among other things for its cultural, artistic

Buying a property in Mallorca, the time is now!

If you are thinking of buying a property in Mallorca , feel that now is the perfect time to do it.

Luxury residential market in Mallorca, state of the question.

Mallorca has become the first resort and investment by foreign destination, this growing trend has led inevitably to higher prices

The 10 best coastal towns of Spain by TripAdvisor

The Magazine “Viajar” recently conducted a ranking to choose the 10 villages from coast to portal users reference TripAdvisor regarded

Mallorca’s headlights

The headlights are an unmistakable coastal loaded element with great romance and, in many cases, of great historical and cultural

New Hyatt Park Hotel in Mallorca for next year

The countdown begins to the opening of a new and ambitious hotel project that adds to the large projects existing